Noragami AMV #2

So I finally got around to finishing another AMV.

Note I put finishing and not creating, I’ve actually been working on another AMV (one that I started before this) and I just haven’t gotten around to completing it because I realize now that the song I chose is a really bad song for an AMV.

Anyway back to this one: this is my second Noragami AMV, please watch the first one if you haven’t already- literally, please, because it’ll kind of make more sense… to me anyway. If you start off by watching just this one you’ll be kind of confused because I made it as more of part 2 or sequel, they’re meant to be watched together. Okay, now that I got that.

Here’s a link to the first one:

and here’s Noragami AMV #2

The Finisher by David Baldacci (Vega Jane #1)

Book Review of The Finisher by David Baldacci. YA-MG. Published 2014. Action, Fantasy.

Welcome to Wormwood: a place where curiosity is discouraged and no one has ever left.

Until one girl, Vega Jane, discovers a map that suggests a mysterious world beyond the walls. A world with possibilities and creatures beyond her imagining.

But she will be forced to fight for her freedom. And unravelling the truth may cost Vega her life.” -Goodreads

Most YA books you read that are told from a girl’s perspective (and this is a large majority) the girls in question are either whiny, annoying little twits who need everyone to help them achieve their goals or they are in the complete opposite of the spectrum and are a powerhouse of energy that is so completely unbelievable it’s stupidly unrealistic. And of course, since we’re talking YA here there’s always a boy which the previously stated powerhouse will fall in love and become completely useless without said boy, the whiny girl on the other hand won’t have a boy, she’ll have boys because love triangles are so popular and are an actual thing in real life. In The Finisher the main character Vega Jane is neither of these, kind of.

In the beginning Vega is very average considering her situation. And I can actually say this with complete honesty. She is average. She is not some whiny girl wanting to rise up against the government, she’s not some completely unrealistic powerhouse who is actually plotting to achieve something. She’s a girl who’s taking care of her little brother in their parent’s absence, she’s going to work at a factory as a finisher (Ha, look it’s the title), but wait, what is this her best friend is a guy, oh no!, but not really, because if you can imagine it for a YA she’s not in love with him! OMG, I think the world just broke.

Now you’d think that with all of this normal, realistic stuff going on she would be boring, but you’d be wrong. Vega Jane is actually pretty interesting and I have to hand this Baldacci, he did an excellent job at creating a character that is both realistic and awesome. Vega’s got some spunk and she’s not afraid to throw down with the men if they insult her or her friends. My only beef with her is that she’s actually pretty naive and trusting with the people she knows are lying to her. Her council people persons, them, yeah, you know what I mean. She know’s that they’re lying about some things but then she still believes and trusts everything they say and I’m just like “Are you a complete moron?” but then I just kept reminding myself that she has only had schooling till she was like thirteen and she’s grown up admiring these councilmen so why would she not trust them? It still annoyed me though when it seemed like Baldacci was purposefully dumbing her down. But by the end she wisens up and kind of becomes one of those aforementioned powerhouses (it has yet to be seen if this will actually come to pass)

Speaking of Baldacci, the writing in this book was pretty awesome, okay scratch that, what he’s writing about is pretty awesome. The setting and storyline that he invented is completely wow. The creativity and imagination he used for this fantasy novel really rendered it well. However, his actual writing style, that was confusing as fuck. Listen, if you have to have a glossary in the back of the book then you’re doing something wrong. If you’re glossary isn’t actually helpful in anyway you’re definitely doing something wrong. Trying to decipher this guy’s made up and (I think) british lingo was super taxing. It was like trying to translate Gavin speak except an entire books worth. (Gavin Free from Achievement Hunter for those who don’t get the reference.) But despite that I still enjoyed his writing, Wormwood was so vividly described I can imagine it and it’s inhabitants to the tee, and the impressions are definitely long lasting (considering I’m doing this review half a year after I read it) I can still remember all of the character and places, albeit not exactly the names… This book was really well done.

However, that ending filled me with a certain sense of foreboding. Dare I say it, there might be a love triangle on the horizon. Uh! But Baldacci might continue to amaze me and not do that at all, I’ll just have to wait and see. Overall this story was really good. The plot was interesting and held my interest pretty well. The book is actually intended for MG so I think the author did a good job making it enjoyable for people who are not in MG. The writing, a bit confusing, but worth it to read about the unique characters, creatures, and places that Baldacci describes with first class imagery. The book left me, while at a cliffhanger, not about to weep or throw the book against the wall, but still excited and anticipating the next book. That’s a good way to end a book.

Final Verdict: 4/5

Object, Character, Place #6

Haha I’m back if anyone bothered to miss me 🙂

Today I bring you another object character place because my teacher really likes these and so that’s what we’re always doing in her class.

The three things are: An empty cookie jar, in an abandoned house, with a folded, dusty note at the bottom. The edge of the realm between reality and fantasy. An infant who looks 80 years old.

I titled No Names Necessary, one because I couldn’t of a proper name for the piece and two none of the characters here have names, though that’s not too unusual. Anyway, here we are, one of my newest short stories. I think you’ll get a good laugh.

No Names Necessary

Drowning is not fun, almost drowning and ending up on the of the realm between reality and fantasy not very fun either. Forests everywhere. Everywhere. The world is just like one giant forest and then bam! An ocean.

That’s how I got there. I crawled out of the ocean like a bedraggled cat coughing and hacking up seawater as I went. In front of me was… you guessed it, forest. It stretched on for miles and seemed to have no end. I don’t know what happened, I was like “Ah! I’m drowning!” and then I was caught in this janky place. This is not heaven and it doesn’t look like any type of hell either. I always knew I’d end up in purgatory. I now had no doubt that I was about to be eaten up by some awful, creepy monsters.

I didn’t know what to do so after my heart stopped pounding a mile a minute I got up and shook the water off of me. I decided to brave the forests and try to find some type of path. This is the stupidest idea ever, but I was all still jangled up from my near drowning. I just wanted to find my way back home, okay, and I didn’t feel like almost drowning again.

I walked forever, my feet felt like dead bricks by the time I found this abandoned house. Obviously, a haunted house, so obvious. If there were monsters in there or witches like in Hansel and Gretel I would definitely die, but they might have food. The witch from H&G had lots of food. I wanted pizza, okay, don’t judge me.

I went and instead of finding pizza (dammit!) I found instead a cookie jar sitting on a small table right in front of the entrance. Cookies, hell yeah! I hurried over there and opened the jar only to find it empty with only a folded up note inside of it. I reached in and took the note out, when I unfolded it I found out that it was actually a picture of baby.

This baby looked like eighty years old and just as I was thinking this the baby looked up at me and said: “That’s because I am eighty years old.”

The End

Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles #2) By: Marissa Meyer

The second book in the Lunar Chronicles series by Marissa Meyer. This is the retelling of Little Red Riding Hood in a new and inventive way. With twists, betrayal, and attitude to match it all Meyer brings this story out as the new fantasy/sci-fi adventure series to read.

With Cress just coming out I thought it prudent to final get myself caught up on this series and read Scarlet. This book was okay. I rated it a four out of five stars on Goodreads.
The plot had a lot of ups and downs for me- it had a lot of action which I liked, but it also had a few boring and repetitive bits.

Most of what I remember from Cinder was her mooning over prince Kai and complaining about her stepmom, but not a lot of stuff was actually going on, it was more like the all of the story arcs were being set up, which Meyer did work pretty well, but it was still just a bit lacking. In Scarlet we finally get to see the results to those story arcs and they were exciting.

In Scarlet the main thing that I didn’t like was Scarlet. The whole book would have been way better off if all of her bits had just been cut out. She walks into a bar to deliver some vegetables to the owner and boom it was practically insta-love at first sight with her and Wolf, it made me want to grind my teeth together. Her character has practically no personality, all she ever goes on about is her missing grandmother. And she’s always angry, if she’s not ranting over some small injustice then she’s just throwing stuff. On the very first page she’s throwing tomatoes at a wall and ranting about the police, second page she’s yelling at a bunch of bar patrons and starting a bar fight, and her character grows not an ounce through the entire story. She was just a limp piece of lettuce through the entire novel.

What I did like about the story, though, was everything else. Everything else was perfect. Cinder escapes from prison and on her way out picks up Captain Thorne. Captain Thorne is awesome. I love Captain Thorne. Captain Thorne should get his own book… err maybe not, but he was my favorite character in the entire novel and I can’t wait to see him in Cress.
Getting a POV from Kai was really good too. I liked the way he thought about things; his confused feelings towards Cinder, his hatred toward Queen Levana, and the love he has for his country. They’re all jumbled up in his head as he tries to do what’s best for everyone.
Cinder gets a definite upgrade (and I’m not just talking about her new arm and leg) her character is on the move and not slowing down for anyone. Instead of going to Dr. Erland in Africa she heads to Europe to find Ms. Benoit, Scarlet’s grandmother, to get some answers about her forgotten years. The answers that Cinder finds are quite honestly, pretty weird and alot sad.
The ending to Scarlet had me thrown pretty hard. We get a POV from Queen Levana and it left me just plain confused, but also very very intrigued.

This is definitely a series to read. It has just about anything a person could ask for in a book series: good characters (mostly), interesting plot, and most of all excellent writing. If you haven’t read the Lunar Chronicles yet you should definitely pick it up now.

Winter’s Tale (Book + Movie review)

The book was probably the most amazing thing I’ve ever read or ever will read. I found that Winter’s Tale is a book not trying to tell a story, but instead convey a message; The world is completely predictable as it is absolutely unpredictable. I know that’s not the only message in there, but it’s the one I like the most.
This was the most complex book that I have ever read and I know that no other book will compare to it.
If I were to describe this book in a few simple words I would describe it like this: Cloud Atlas and John Dies at the End had a baby, but then Cloud Atlas got a divorce and remarried to A Hundred Years of Solitude.
While the story it self seems simple;
“New York City is subsumed in arctic winds, dark nights, and white lights, its life unfolds, for it is an extraordinary hive of the imagination, the greatest house ever built, and nothing exists that can check its vitality. One night in winter, Peter Lake, orphan and master-mechanic, attempts to rob a fortress-like mansion on the Upper West Side. Though he thinks the house is empty, the daughter of the house is home. Thus begins the love between Peter Lake, a middle-aged Irish burglar, and Beverly Penn, a young girl, who is dying. Peter Lake, a simple, uneducated man, because of a love that, at first he does not fully understand, is driven to stop time and bring back the dead. His great struggle, in a city ever alight with its own energy and besieged by unprecedented winters, is one of the most beautiful and extraordinary stories of American literature.”
That summary literally only covers two-hundred pages of the novel out of around 800.

The Table of Contents

The Table of Contents

Peter Lake and Beverly are only together in three Chapters, they meet in “A Goddess in the Bath” and then they’re together in “Lake of Coheeries,” but in “Aceldama” they both die (sort of).

The rest of the chapters are about the different characters, Virginia Gamely, Hardesty Marratta, Asbury, Christiana, Harry Penn, Craig Binky, the Ermine Mayor, Cecil Mature, Praeger. This book is filled to the brim with different stories and lives that to say it’s about Peter Lake and Beverly would be completely and utterly wrong. There’s so much more than a simple love story here- there’s a mayor election, a bridge being built, a great fire. All of these are crucial bits that make up the overall tale.
While the book can be confusing and very very round about it eventually gets to its point and what a stunning point it is.
I had my sister read one chapter, “Nothing is Random” and she said it was the most beautiful thing she’d ever read.
I rate the book 5/5, this is a book everyone needs to read once in their life time.

The movie, though, is a completely different story and I mean that literally. As I was predicting they took all of the characters out and rewrote the story so nothing but its bones were left.
Even though it was a good movie I was sorely disappointed by it. They changed everything about it, even the small simple things that were vitally important in the book.
The first thing that they changed that really pissed me off (it was really the only thing) was that they said that the stars were people who had died. When Beverly narrated that on the screen I nearly threw a hissy fit and that was in the first two minutes. They kept a lot of other things that made me happy, though, Peter running from the Short Tails, his meeting with Isaac Penn… and that’s about all they kept the same.
The angels and demon fight, didn’t bode over well with me. In the book it’s hinted that Athansor and Jackson Mead are angels, as is Cecil and MootFowl, but in the book the magic is very subtle and not mentioned by anyone. I liked that Athansor had wings, but again it’s suppose to be subtle not displayed like they’re all in a giant circus.
In the movie, however, they did make a few passes at things that happened in the book. Peter mentions that he used to live with two girls when he was little and would sing and dance for money and it was really small things like that that made me happy.
The movie was a great movie, but it wasn’t the book and if that’s what the book fans want they are going to be a little more than frustrated.
I rate the movie 3/5
My advice for anyone and everyone is to watch the movie first and then read the book. You’ll get a basic introduction into the story and won’t be disappointed like I was if you read the book first.

Teen Wolf (3×18) Riddled


My inner fangirl is screaming right now. This episode had me on the edge of my seat the whole time

This episode was amazing, no matter what happens next I think it’s safe to deem this the best episode out of the entire show.
I stayed up till midnight watching this thing knowing that I would have to be up and about by 5am, it was totally worth it.

Stiles is officially the best actor on this show, I can’t wait to see how Dylan works with his role on The Maze Runner. The only character that even comes close to Stiles is Lydia. Both of them do such an excellent job as portraying their pain and angst as a real thing and not as something scripted.

The show started off immediately with drama, Stiles calling Scott in the middle of the night not knowing where he is or what is happening to him. The plot just got better and better.


While everyone is around trying to find Stiles, Lydia is getting her Banshee on and doing her own thing. I just hate her interactions with Aidan, not only did he make fun of Stiles for liking Lydia he did it while they were still searching for him, A*hole.
There was this one bit that involved a psychiatric hospital and I am just dying to know what that was all about. Lydia seemed to have given up on her powers after they couldn’t find Stiles there, but they completely missed that “5” symbol (the one that the Oni branded behind their ears) while they were there.


Strangely enough, it was Scott’s dad who found Stiles. He actually did something that helped the gang. I liked the little background information they gave us about him and Melissa and what their marriage was like.


Whatever is going on with Allison is completely curious, her messages about the internment camp was mind-boggling. My theory is that the camp that was mentioned in the message was for like Kitsune or other supernatural creatures. I have a feeling that Stiles is the one who sent her those messages on the down low.

After Stiles was found, everyone basically knew that about his whole brain issues. Before he went into the MRI machine I was actually a bit surprised that Scott implied that he’d give Stiles the bite if he did turn out to have what his mom had.


before the MRI is even over all hell breaks loose… in Stiles’ mind. Stiles goes into dreamland and the evil spirit is there again giving him more riddles. “Everyone has it, but no one can lose it?” I was completely tripped up by the one. Before the dream ended the monster undid all of his bandages and we were left staring at a doppleganger Stiles.


During the MRI Scott and Derek totally had a moment; I was glad to see that Derek has finally gone full Team Scott instead of trying to do his own thing. Derek’s interaction with Kira was interesting, I think Derek is finally coming out of his loner faze and is going to be more in with the group.

Before Stiles gets possessed there’s this whole anticipation because Lydia kept hearing the MRI running, but she didn’t go to the hospital. And then as soon as soon Stiles gets possessed Lydia screams and my heart just about broke.


Stiles being possessed was super awesome, though, first he just wakes up with that sort of smug look and then he makes all the lights go out and then he disappears. Plus the evil spirit was being super creepy using pronouns in the plural, always with the “we” and “us” it was absolutely weird.
Weirder still, though, there to threaten the now possessed Stiles was Kira’s mom. We all guessed that she was a Kitsune too, but I don’t think anyone guessed that she had those Oni on a leash. She looked badass, but we’re all rooting for Stiles though, because Kira’s mom said she was going to kill him. That is NEVER going to happen!


The episode ended with a generator(?) exploding and Kira about to be hit by one of the sparking wires. I was so pissed that that was the ending, we all know that electricity can’t hurt Kira, why show her about to be *not* electrocuted and then cut scene. It was hair-pulling, I just want more of Stiles.

I’m going to be at the edge of my seat for the whole rest of this season, I hate that I have to wait another week before the next episode comes out. Let’s just all hope that Stiles doesn’t die….

The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by: Holly Black

Screw the Cullens and all the other infamous vampires, Holly Black’s vampires are perfect, they’re neither kind and caring “vegetarians” nor cold-hearted predators without a scrap of humanity left inside of them. Holly’s vampires border on the tightrope walk of both, they’re monsters in their own ways, some without a single ounce of remorse for all of the lives they’ve stolen while others can feel so remorseful they’re driven to suicide, but all of them are possessed with the hunger for human blood that can drive them insane and make them do terrible things.

This story really had me on edge, from the very first page I was drawn in, Tana, our seventeen year old, female protagonist wakes up from a party to find out that everyone there had been slaughtered by vampires while she had been passed out drunk in the bathtub. On her way to escaping she finds a chained up vampire with her ex-boyfriend Aidan who’s been tied and gagged to a bed, but also bitten.

Being bitten by a vampire, or more specifically being infected by vampire blood, will cause someone to go Cold, the transitionary state between human and vampire, where only drinking human blood will seal the deal and drive the nails in your coffin. However, if the person doesn’t want to be a vampire they can try to quarantine themselves and sweat out the vampire toxins, but the problem is that very few people make it to the eighty-eighth day when they can say they’ve been cured.

Knowing all of this beforehand Tana decides to try and save Aidan anyway, and the vampire boy named Gavriel. With a few slick maneuvers Tana manages to avoid the vampires that killed all of her friends and help Aidan and Gavriel get to Coldtown, a place where vampires and infected humans are placed to live to stop the infectious disease of vampirism from running rampant. Along the way there them meet a few people, run into a few scrapes, and when they do get to Coldtown everything is not as it seems, friends become enemies and monsters became lovers. Coldtown is the place where people have to face their inner demons everyday.

I loved this story, the plot twists were genius, and even though I wish the story would have ended a bit better, I found the whole thing awesome. I loved Gavriel’s madness, I liked everything about him more than I did Tana herself, even though I liked how she upgraded herself from sad teenager looking for help anywhere she could find it to a complete badass who takes the bull by the horns.

I rate the book 4.5/5, a very high praise considering how much I didn’t like the ending. I hope there’s going to be a sequel, there could be, but there definitely doesn’t have to be, everything got wrapped in pretty red bows and there were no loose ends hanging around. Anyway this is definitely a book I’d recommend for people to read, it’s a good thriller and Holly Black is an excellent writer.

The Eye of Minds by: James Dashner

A highly anticipated novel. I think after the Maze Runner was born everyone went Dashner crazy, with a reason. The Maze Runner books are completely awesome, they get you right in the feels, and have good plots. This book is nothing like the Maze Runner.
The Eye of Minds really disappointed me, I actually thought about giving up on it, it was that boring. Not only does little happen in it, the writing is worse than a debut novel, Dashner What Happened!?

Our main character is Michael, a suppose skilled gamer, but we never actually get to read about him doing anything special or genius, to me he seemed like any other gamer. His friends, however did pull some sweet moves. Bryson and Sarah seemed to be the only ones who did any of the heavy lifting in this novel, they were shown repeatedly looking into the programming and hacking stuff while Michael just sits there and watches them.
There were only two interesting points to this novel for me. The first one was the diversity in the Path, every single level they went through were unique and a few of them even had me on edge while they were passing through them. The second interesting thing about this novel was the ending, most endings can’t surprise me, but this one completely threw me. I was shocked, stunned, and a bit flabbergasted. The ending alone, that plot twist, had me sitting there for a good minute thinking about it and bumped up what would have been a two star rating to a three and a half.
If the book hadn’t ended the way it did I would have lost my faith in Dashner’s writing and said screw the sequel, but now I’m completely inpatient for The Rule of Thoughts.

House of Hades by: Rick Riordan

At the conclusion of The Mark of Athena, Annabeth and Percy tumble into a pit leading straight to the Underworld. The other five demigods have to put aside their grief and follow Percy’s instructions to find the mortal side of the Doors of Death. If they can fight their way through the Gaea’s forces, and Percy and Annabeth can survive the House of Hades, then the Seven will be able to seal the Doors both sides and prevent the giants from raising Gaea. But, Leo wonders, if the Doors are sealed, how will Percy and Annabeth be able to escape?
They have no choice. If the demigods don’t succeed, Gaea’s armies will never die. They have no time. In about a month, the Romans will march on Camp Half-Blood. The stakes are higher than ever in this adventure that dives into the depths of Tartarus.

Upon finishing this book I started to scream out every single insult and curse that I know, and even made up a few new ones. To save everyone from the pain and disappointment of this ending I’m just going to tell you, there’s going to be a fifth book, Son-of-a-Mother-F*cking-Cyclops, FML! I hate you Riordan! Why would you do this???? *sobs of frustration and anger*

I really thought that this would be the end, I was stoked and completely prepared for this series to end for good, but there was no f*cking ending! GAH!!!!!!!

I love Percy Jackson, I really do, I love Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank, Hazel, Nico, Coach Hedge, and even Reyna, they are all such perfect characters with real voices and emotions that you can understand and relate to, but I can’t endure the agony of waiting an entire year to find out what happens next. It’s the problem with all book series you love, you never want them to end, but the constant anticipation for new books slowly kills you inside, until you become a wreck, sobbing at the end of the book because of the stupid cliffhanger.

In the House of Hades there wasn’t a lot of plot development, the story mainly consisted of character development, I love Nico, anyone who’s read the book will understand why I’m putting that there. And Frank’s really moved on up along with Piper, Hazel and Leo, and even Coach Hedge, you learn a lot more about him. Calypso comes back in this book, but I refuse to give away spoilers about this, but I really hope she becomes a main character in the next book, The Blood of Olympus.
There’s just so much in this book, 600 pages of pure brilliant, genius, awesomeness. I want to live in this book *Cue heavy-breathing, maniacal, wild-eyed, looking fan-girl* I would kill to get my hands on the next book.

I would have finished this book in one day except I got super distracted and didn’t get to finish it, so I had to finish it today. I just… I feel like I’ve been through on an emotional roller coaster, but as soon as I hit the peak the ride stopped, leaving me there, simmering in all the glory of Rick Riordan’s work.
The prophesy is becoming a lot clearer, but I wish it had been written out somewhere, like the front page, so I could properly remember it, instead just pieces of it were mentioned leaving me a bit confused.
I loved Annabeth’s new sword, and Hazel’s ability to work the Mist, Hecate is an awesome goddess/titan. I just feel so sad for my favorite characters; Leo and Nico, the two outsiders. Both were forced to deal with stuff that was completely unfair, but utterly perfect, I want more from them. In The Blood of Olympus I want a chapter from Nico, he didn’t get one in this book, I would love to better see in his mind.

Anyway, I’m going to wrap there and rate the book 5/5, perfect perfection, something all the gods and mortals should read (and a few special monsters).

The Girl with the Iron Touch by: Kady Cross

In 1897 London, something not quite human is about to awaken
When mechanical genius Emily is kidnapped by rogue automatons, Finley Jayne and her fellow misfits fear the worst. What’s left of their archenemy, The Machinist, hungers to be resurrected, and Emily must transplant his consciousness into one of his automatons—or forfeit her friends’ lives.
With Griffin being mysteriously tormented by the Aether, the young duke’s sanity is close to the breaking point. Seeking help, Finley turns to Jack Dandy, but trusting the master criminal is as dangerous as controlling her dark side. When Jack kisses her, Finley must finally confront her true feelings for him…and for Griffin.
Meanwhile, Sam is searching everywhere for Emily, from Whitechapel’s desolate alleyways to Mayfair’s elegant mansions. He would walk into hell for her, but the choice she must make will test them more than they could imagine.
To save those she cares about, Emily must confront The Machinist’s ultimate creation—an automaton more human than machine. And if she’s to have any chance at triumphing, she must summon a strength even she doesn’t know she has….

I think this book was the better of all the other books, I actually wasn’t bored at any bits or pieces. The whole book though was really lovey dovey. The author paired up every single character with someone, Sam+Emily, Griffin+Finley, Jack+Mila, and Jasper+Wildcat. I felt like I was on a dating show, a romance novel rather then steampunk/action.
Other than then all the hook-ups I did like the book, even though I think the story should have ended at this book, but instead the ending left more to be said and even though this book series is okay, four book just seems like a bit to much. An author needs to know when to end the series. Look at the House of Night series, Jesus Christ I think they’re on book ten or something, I stopped reading at book six, I just got so damn fed up with the cliffhangers and a lack of ending, is anyone still reading those?

Anyway back to The Girl with the Iron Touch, good book, decent ending, hook-ups okay, be warned Griffin and Finley have sex in this one, it’s pretty failed, I guess if you were like fourteen it would work, but it was greatly romanticized.
Here’s a thought, what if Jack+Mila and Griffin+Finley become swingers. I really don’t like Griffin, I prefer jack still.
Okay, I’m going to stop there before I go off on another tangent, I rate the book 4/5.